1. What does Nina - have for skills (dessert, books), like/dislike - dessert, like/dislike about books?
Criterion D. Application of Information
Students should transfer and apply information to make decisions, create solutions and develop understandings in connection with the project’s goal.
(Note: Please include reference/in-text citation)
How is this information useful throughout the project to achieve the goal for :
1. Specifications of the product/outcomes:
The information can be used to achieve 3 of my specifications:
Asian country only (because I like asian dessert the most)
Unique form of book (brainstorming what type of book seems unique to me)
Colorful (because I like colorful book, it seems interesting)
2. The techniques chosen in different stages:
Design: the information can be used to brainstorm the basic things for my product
Plan: the information can be used to make specific steps and basic information of my product, the roots for my product
Create : can be used to make product that reflects my liking
Evaluate/Testing Method: the information can be used to make evaluation of my products according to my liking
2. Type of desserts, origin/ history, material, skills, equipment
How is this information useful throughout the project to achieve the goal for :
1. Specifications of the product/outcomes:
The information can be used to achieve 2 of my specification which is:
Asian country only (the information above is only about recipe and the history behind them which is the min content of the recipe book)
Minimal 1 page of comics for each country’s recipe (the history behind the food is needed in order to make a comic panel for each country’s)
2. The techniques chosen in different stages:
Design: The information can be used to brainstorm the content of the comic panel.
Plan: After knowing the content, make the appropriate steps of the making of comic panel using the information
Create : Create an appropriate contents for the book by looking at the planning steps and the informations above
Evaluate/Testing Method: Use the informations to refer back about what I have done to create evaluation
3. Books - design (layout, color, font), unique
How is this information useful throughout the project to achieve the goal for :
1. Specifications of the product/outcomes:
The information above can be used to achieve 4 out of 5 specifications which are:
Pictures of each recipe (can be achieved according to my ideas and based on survey as stated above, part of “Unique form of book)
Unique form of book (finally understand what kind of recipe book stated as “unique”)
Minimal 1 page of comics for each country’s recipes (comic panels as a part of a unique recipe book, this specification is related to “Unique form of book”)
Colorful (part of unique recipe book, colorful makes a book interesting according to survey and myself as stated above)
2. The techniques chosen in different stages:
Design: The informations can be used to brainstorm what kind of recipe book will be made in order to meet with the specification. They are very important information because it contains the basic things for the book (layout and design)
Plan: After knowing what kind of unique recipe book will be made, planning what specific steps can be done (making comics, designing the book, and printing them out to make a recipe book)
Create : By referring back to design and planning, the creating steps can be done into making design and layout to be organize
Evaluate/Testing Method: The information can be used again to help remembering what have I done